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Azure DevOps Outputs

Configure outputs for your Azure DevOps Pipelines

Nick Smith avatar
Written by Nick Smith
Updated over a week ago

Azure DevOps Outputs let you pass an output value from your Cloud Maker blueprint to your Azure DevOps pipeline for use in another Azure DevOps task.

To get started using Azure DevOps Outputs in Cloud Maker, you can head over to the Pipelines area, then create a new pipeline or choose an existing pipeline.

On the Pipeline Configuration page, select Azure DevOps from the deployment mode dropdown.

You will now see the Azure DevOps Outputs area, where you can add new outputs.

Click the Add output button to add a new output.

By default, outputs are set to Secret. Secret outputs ensure that the output value is never stored in plain text. If you don’t require a secret output value, then simply press the switch to turn this off.

WARNING: If turned off, output values will be transmitted in plain text in the deployment pipeline of your solution and will be present in logs. Plain text output values can pose a security risk if the output value is sensitive, such as a password.

Once you’ve added your new output, you can then enter the variable name. The variable name is the name of the variable you will use in other tasks in Azure DevOps.

NOTE: The variable name can consist of letters, numbers, . and _ characters only. You learn more about the naming restrictions here.

Next, select the output property by clicking the choose a property box. This will launch the output property picker modal.

Simply select the droplet and then the property for which you require the output value. For instance, selecting Subnet Name -> Address Prefix will store the Address Prefix value in the output.

Once you have added all your outputs, save your pipeline configuration.

You can now head over to Azure DevOps and use the Cloud Maker Azure DevOps task to connect to your Cloud Maker pipeline. This task will also pull down your configured outputs which you can then use in additional tasks in Azure DevOps using the appropriate format, for example $(MyVariable).

If you need any help with Azure DevOps Outputs, don't hesitate to contact us, either via the in-app chat or email and we are on hand to help.

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